Our Exceptional Team

Faiz Asif

Faiz AsifBadge

Faiz Asif

  • Position: Head of Marketing
  • Experience: 2 Years
  • Email: faizasif414@gmail.com
  • Phone: + 123 456 789


About Me

Faiz had major responsibilities such as lead fundraising to make sure the team has a high budget for everything from merchandise to the car components itself. He had also contributed to car designing for the Terra Titans F1 team. Faiz joined the F1 in Schools. Competition because he has a burning passion for motor sports and enjoys the innovative nature of F1.

He has a unique set of character strengths such as resilience, creativity, perseverance and feels that he can learn and experience multiple things such as starting a business and STEM which may help him pick a career he will enjoy in the future. His communication skills are needed for acquiring vital sponsorships from companies. He also has the ability to make sure the team is in a good mood and motivated to work hard to reach the world champions for F1 in schools and hopefully win it.

Expertise & Skills

Project and Team Management
Fundraising and Sponsorship
Engineering and Design


Faiz is currently studying in The Arbor School and he has several achievements such as becoming the head of our school’s prestigious Eco – Council several times. He is preparing for his GCSEs this year and he has chosen Triple Science, Computing and Business alongside the core subjects.

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