Our Exceptional Team

Julieta Luengo

Julieta LuengoBadge

Julieta Luengo

  • Position: Finance Manager
  • Experience: 2 Years
  • Email: julietayluengo.2107@gmail.com
  • Phone: +123 456 789


About Me

Julieta came into this competition with high hopes and excitement to participate in a new and challenging competition that would develop her skills in computer aided design and also teamwork and collaboration. She is a passionate and hardworking student who is always willing to learn something new, and this opportunity strongly sparked her interest. Due to her speaking and writing abilities, Julieta was in involved in fundraising to allow the team to have as high a budget as possible, which would benefit the team in accessing more resources to improve the final target of the project further optimally. She hoped to achieve this by finding creative ways that will earn the team money, while also potentially having larger companies to sponsor their project. 

Expertise & Skills

Project and Team Management
Fundraising and Sponsorship
Engineering and Design


Julieta is currently studying in The Arbor School and she is on her way to her GCSEs and she strives to achieve a Stanine 9 in her chosen subjects.

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